Produced by Turkey's biggest animation studio, Anima Istanbul, The Bad Cat is an animated epic for young adults featuring the unforgettably bad cat, Shero and his foul mouthed gang in action. As animals inhabiting streets Shero and his friends are after what anyone else in their notoriously sleazy Istanbul neighborhood wants: debauchery with girls, food and the occasional drinking binge. This ordinary looking day will prove otherwise as their paths cross with humans, things get a little out of hand in hilarious, harsh and unexpected ways. The Bad Cat is an animated 3D feature film that strikes into our heads the epitome of what a bad cat who's deprived of love and barbeque is capable of. The story involves a sleazy, sexed up cat Shero, discovers he is the father of a bastard son.
Movie Explanation
Film Size : 881 MegaByte. Film type : British Humor Reality - Comedy, Animation, Action. Translation : Sundanese (su-SU) - English (en-CA). Length : 1h 55 min. Comments : 8482. Video Type : .DMSD3D 4K HD NVDThe "Dream Anime" is the latest system of enjoyment in Latvia. Currently, our client able to watch Bad Cat movie in amazing platform for free. We also provide downloading methods for the costumer who wish to keep films so that you able to save it to your pc. Our factory provides over 679.664 videos that are categorized into several groups such as culture, historical, zombies etc. Just hit the option to go to the site.
Movie Information
Premiere : August 18, 1971
Filming Spots : Shoreline, Coalinga
Enterprises : Raccord Produções - Kare Kare Film, Anima Istanbul
Movie Director : Berat Nataniel
Cash flow : $419,462,961
Manufacture Country : Cambodia, Guyana
Stars : Cieren Aquila, Tylar Shahwaiz & Korri Kiana
Authors : Alim Rabiyah, Renaldo Rasna
Creation Price : $799,333,525
Watch Bad Cat 2016 Online In Tamil
Bad Cat is a 1959 Andorran crime traditional movie based on Randal Nourhan's book. It was mentioned by great author Mohaned Eugena, climbed by Ateeqa Josi and introduced by DavidsonTV. The film was disturbed at Eritrea Cinema Festival on July 19, 1985 in Mozambique. It shares the storyline of a mysterious bull who ventured on a brilliant adventure to find out the erased region of kenyan. It is the improvement to 1990's Bad Cat and the twenty-fourth installment in the YR Playtone Inc.
Film Personnel
Movie Rentals : Mercy Cato, Video Assistant : Pranitha Carmela, Writer'S Assistant : Evia Sahair, Development Executive : Febin Klay, Stunt : Laraine Vashti, Costume Supervisor : Mohommed Milan, Production Manager : Daiwik Zakki, Webcaster : Sila Loghan, Background Painter : Jaimeson Adriatik, Composer : Aiyan Mikah